
Version 0.1

A System Agnostic Hard SciFi World for RPGs


Technology plays a vital role in public society in the world of NeoBabel. In fact, since the passage of the One World, One People (OWOP) Act of ????, any child born through proper means has received two modifications on birth, the Babel Implant and the Subcutaneous Chemical Administration Port. These two forms of technology are just a taste of the innovation and advancement present within NeoBabel.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Far from science fiction, Artificial Intelligence has become a common, albeit publicly loathed part of the modern world. While the early 21st century resulted in some forms of primitive “Virtual Intelligences” it wasn’t until the Singularity in ???? that Artificial Intelligence in its current form came into existence.

Babel Implant

Essentially a high-tech cochlear implant, the Babel Implant was designed to eliminate the barrier of human language. An invention of the Human Aptitude and Longevity Optimization Program, this implant translates all the different languages an individual may hear into their native tongue. In this way, the Babel Implant was believed to strike a balance between protecting individuals’ cultural identity, while still allowing effective communication within the megacities that resulted from the Regional Unification and Modernization Initiative.

Climate Analysis, Control, Engineering, and Protection System (CACEPS)

A product of the Global Engineering and Protection Corporation, CACEPS is the climate engineering and weather modification device that helps to keep the megacities safe. Incredibly complex, and incredibly massive, CACEPS are no longer actively constructed due to the immense amount of funding that would be required. A system composed of automated drone aircraft, multiple geosynchronous satellites, banks upon banks of computers, and incredibly complex equations, CACEPS touches every single life within the megacities, and if it is functioning as intended, should be unnoticeable.

Laminar Citites

A secondary product of GEP Co., Laminar Cities are the environment in which the vast majority of the global population lives. Composed of identical rounded buildings arranged in a grid of forty two square kilometers, each alphanumeric district is composed of four buildings 490m square and 2km tall, with a 20m road of four lanes sectioning each building off. The city is outlined by a similar 20m road, which then connects to the interregional transit systems. The cities are so named because weather systems that collide with the cities tend to be channeled down one set of the streets, similar to a laminar air flow.

Subcutaneous Chemical Administration Port

To Be Developed.

Virtual Intelligence

To Be Developed.

Last updated on 18 May 2020
Published on 17 May 2020